Now in my close circle of friends I am the hippy. I am the one who doesn't shower often enough, or shave frequently, and the one who says dont use that lotion or that deodarant.. it contains Aluminum. I get lovingly teased by my close friends for being this way. So as I become more aware of the products I am using, and after meeting my new BFF Maria, I have become dangerously interested in becoming "more Green".
What does this mean to me and how I encourage my circle of friends to become more bodily and earthily aware is a totally different process. Going green is difficult. Its expensive, hard to come by all the products you are after, and well some of the things are just really different and weird thus making it harder to buy.
After alot of research I have discovered disturbing things. So many things claim to be all natural .. a natural cure, natural hair product, soap, etc... but they too contain toxic chemicals! (SHOCKING I KNOW LOL :) )
I find that there are two groups of people, people who do it natural, or people who dont. If you do it natural you dont use normal medicines or eat normal foods. If you dont , YOU dont. Well there needs to be a nice happy medium. There are harms in being all natural, the possibilty of eating or injesting ecoli or the fact that any and all organic products simply mean they dont have to go thru regular FDA approval. Which is scarey to me.. its like drinking bottled water, the idea in many peoples head is its better than tap water. Not true, being bottled means it doesn't have to under go the same testing or doesn't have to be as clean as the water that comes thru the tap. Tap water is better.. just ask your neighboring geologist, enviromentalist, or biologist. Then the harms of being non natural such as the fact that we are developing an intlorance to medicines, and germs, thus super germs, and viruses are being created.
I think Green or not, what ever category you find your self in. The best way to be is: aware! Be aware if your product has harmful chemicals, if its safe for you or not. Green or not, its important to know what you are injesting or using.
I found a great article at http://www.greenyour.com/lifestyle/personal-care/deodorant that I recomend you all read. Its regarding the dangers of aluminum, but also the dangers of not knowing whats in your 'green' item.
I also lovingly found a list for all of you of products found in everyday body lotions, shampoos, underarm deodarants, etc... that are not so good for you and why.!
Here are the ingredients to be most wary of on labels, and why.
Coal-tar colors
So-called coal-tar chemicals are found in many "FD&C" or "D&C" colors used in makeup and hair dye.
Health Problem: Allergens and irritants, possible carcinogens
Safer Alternatives: Annatto, beta carotene, carmine, hematite, henna, iron oxides, titanium dioxide (nontoxic, but can cause lung irritation if inhaled as powder)
A brain- and nervous-system toxin as well as a known carcinogen and hormone disruptor, lead accumulates in the bones. It is found in lead acetate in hair dyes and makeup.
Used widely in fragrances, deodorants, nail polishes, hair products and lotions, the oily texture of phthalates acts like a moisturizer and helps lotions penetrate skin.
Health Problems: Various members of this family of chemical plasticizers have been found to produce cancer of the liver and birth defects in lab animals.
Dibutylphthalate (DBP) is of particular concern because documented exposures are high and its health effects are potentially very serious. In nail polish and mascara, DBP helps thin films stay flexible, reducing brittleness and cracking. Animal studies show that DBP causes birth defects and harm to male reproductive organs. Timing of exposure was critical: Harm was done to animals exposed in the womb or shortly after birth.
A 2002 Environmental Working Group (EWG) report found DBP in 37 nail products from 22 different companies
Alternatives: Phthalates often "hide" behind the term "fragrance;" choose products labeled "fragrance-free" or that are scented exclusively with pure botanical or essential oils. Phthalates are also present in, and can evaporate from, soft vinyl (PVC) toys, flooring and other products, which should be avoided.
Bronopol, often listed as 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol, can contribute to the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines, according to the FDA. It can also break down to produce formaldehyde
Formaldehyde, found in eye shadows, mascaras and other cosmetics, is "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen," according to the National Toxicology Program's "Ninth Report on Carcinogens" (January 2001)**. The EPA classifies it as a probable human carcinogen.
In its liquid state, formaldehyde, present in the ingredients DMDM hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea imidazolidinyl urea and quaternium-15, can be absorbed through the skin and nails. As a volatile organic compound, or VOC, formaldehyde evaporates when the product is wet; levels drop sharply once it's dry. Consumer concern has led many manufacturers to remove it from their nail polishes.
Health Problems: Breathing formaldehyde fumes has been associated with many types of cancers, including those of the nose and throat. Levels of formaldehyde in air as low as 0.1 ppm (parts per million) can cause burning sensations in the eyes, nose and throat; nausea, coughing and wheezing.
Imidazolidinyl urea can trigger contact dermatitis in sensitive individuals.
Mercury: a tiny amount of this potent nervous-system toxin, which accumulates in the body, is allowed as a preservative in eye-area cosmetics.
The parabens: Methyl-, propyl-, ethyl- and butylparaben are the most common preservatives used in cosmetics.
Health Problems: Common allergens. Some recent research shows that parabens can mimic estrogen in rodents, making them potential hormone disruptors.
Quaternary ammonium compounds can irritate the skin and eyes. Quaternium-15 causes more dermatitis complaints than any other preservative, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Healthier Preservatives: Vitamins A (retinoic acid), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), citric acid, pycnogenol.
Surfactants -- Sudsing/Foaming Agents
Suds-making detergents, known as surfactants, in shampoos also promote absorption of the product by the skin.
Diethanolamine (DEA), widely used in shampoos, is a suspected carcinogen, and its compounds and derivatives include triethanolamine (TEA), which can be contaminated with nitrosamines -- compounds shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. Contamination is more likely if the product also contains Bronopol (see above).
Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) are both irritants, says the Cosmetics Ingredient Review (CIR), a panel of cosmetics-industry experts established to safety-test ingredients (cir-safety.org). But the CIR reported that SLS also causes "severe epidermal changes" to mouse skin, a finding that "indicates a need for tumor-enhancing activity assays." This year, after review of over 250 existing SLS studies, the CIR concluded that SLS is not cancer-causing. However, Samuel Epstein, M.D., says he is not convinced and recommends avoiding SLS.
Other Ingredients to Avoid
Aluminum chlorohydrate, a wetness retardant used in antiperspirants, can cause allergic reactions.
Ammonia, used in hair dyes and bleaches, can irritate the eyes and skin and can be toxic when inhaled.
Mineral oil, found in many moisturizers, comes from petroleum, a nonrenewable resource.
Peroxide, used in hair-coloring products, can irritate the skin of hands and scalp and damage hair and eyes.
Phenylenediamine (PPD), found in many hair dyes, is linked with skin irritations, respiratory disorders and cancers, and is banned in Europe.
Polyethylene and polyethylene glycol (PEG ingredients), found in hair straighteners, antiperspirants and baby-care products, are safe in themselves but can be contaminated with 1,4- dioxane, which produced liver cancer in rodents in National Cancer Institute (NCI) studies.
Polysorbate compounds 60 and 80 are emulsifiers, used in lotions and creams, that can also become contaminated with the carcinogen 1,4-dioxane.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), widely used in hair-care products, especially sprays, has been found to stay in the body for months. In rats it contributed to tumor development.
Propylene glycol, a humectant, or moisture-attracting ingredient, found in mascara, lotions, creams and other cosmetics, can irritate skin in sensitive individuals.
Talc, a mineral found in many face and body powders, has a structure similar to that of asbestos, which has been linked to lung and ovarian cancers. Healthier alternative: cornstarch (but, like any powder, can cause breathing problems)
Toluene, a solvent, is found in some nail polishes. It is a nervous-system toxin.
Triclosan, an antibacterial agent found in deodorants and other products, is overused and is linked to antibiotic-resistant disease, says the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics (www.apua.org).
** The substance is described the same way in the Tenth Report on Carcinogens, released December 2002.
I agree with you about your thoughts of free will. I believe that we are given free will to do with as we please. However I believe the discrepences are within the moral aspects of life. God wants us to use our free will in a way that which pleases Him. Some would say that isn't free will at all then, because it is what He wants. Yes, but my arguement with that would be this then; doing it any other way would be either the way of the world, or the way of satan. So no matter how you look at it, it is OUR free will to choose whose way to use it.
wow, good for you, that is a big step, i will do it with you!!!
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