So here we are in the midst of an all out economic crisis. We could have seen it coming. We should have. God gives us rules to follow. To help one another, to not have more than we need, to learn from the historical mistakes of others.... we didn't.
So here is my comparison and contrast. I would love to have peoples feed back, opinions, etc. So feel free to reply to the following.
The 1929 Crash began in October. (creepy eh.. end of September early October now.. .and we are falling). It started because investors saw the value of their stocks fall, so they sold their stocks. Making the stock market continue to dwindle . Thats is exactly what we see happening now. It took 3 full years for the lowest point of the crash, but if nothing is done, we are well on our way to a similar situation.
Now I am not saying a crash in the stock market will cause a great depression again, and nor am I saying it did before. There are alot of factors that took place in the 1920's that are similar to today. We have very little buisness activity. We primarily buy our goods overseas. Prices are sky rocketing, and yet the value of an object is dwindling.
We have to realize no all americasn share the same wealth as some of us do. Most families have very little to no savings at all. No health insurance, thus costly medical bills, most people can't afford the goods in the average market so they go into debt in order to keep up with the status quo.
We don't produce many of our own crops or even goods and services any more. Many of our cars, cattle, food, clothes, jewelry, food ware, etc, are from a foreign country. Thus taking money out of our economy. I am not saying that world wide exchange was bad, but we relied to heavily on it.
In the 1930s overproduction was another casue of teh fall. Buissinessses produced more goods than people could buy thus had to close when their costs came crashing down on them. Todays era stores, car lots, have purchased bulk items for the American people, what happens when we are all to afraid to go out and spend? People loose their jobs!
In the 1930's when banks failed many people were in heavy debt with no way out. SOUND FAMILIAR? People lost their savings, retirement funds dwindled, and the people lost their confidence in the economy. Buisness also lost confindence and started laying off workers, thus more workers lost their jobs, less bills were being paid, thus more banks failed. Do you see how one thing effects another here? Do we even understand how similar our circumstances are right now to the Great depression of the 1930's?
The frightening things that happened during the 1930s like banks immediately foreclosing on homes when people fell behind thus people lived in shelters or cars, could easily happen now.
At the time of the 1930's President Hoover didn't believe that the fedral government should step in to help the people. (THE ONE GOOD thing I will say about Bush is atleast he beleives they should). Hoover eventually realized he had to do something and created new jobs and proviced relief and aid for the unemployed.
These are scarey times. If you don't know what could happen look up the great depression. Look up what people had to do to surrvive. they lived in horrible circumstances and ate from soup kitchens once per day.
If we as a people deem some CEO worth 19 million dollars , and the rest of us worthy to live in a cardboard box, there is something wrong.! We need to take a stand. Start supporting one another. Stop being Greedy.. AND I don't know.. Live the way God calls us to perhaps?
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