Saturday, October 18, 2008

What does it all mean

Just heading to bed... and couldn't get alot of junk out of my head.

So what does it mean to be Christian?

Am I less of a Lover of my Christ because I consider myself Democratic?

Am I non christian because I survived a Divorce?

Does God love me less because I he allows me to struggle?

Pain. Suffering. Heart ache. Money problems. Hunger. Loss of a loved one.

Why is it allowed?

I don't know why. But In a world that became corrupt so many moons ago... Its amazing still how Gods love heals all of those things.

He brings life, healing, restoration, blessings, and so much much more.

I keep praying for Gods love to wash over me to encourage me.

It hasn't happened yet. But I have no doubt that at any moment...

He'll be there... doing what he does best.. Getting me through this most difficult of moments

1 comment:

-Maria- said...

this is so true, very encouraging reminder! Oh, btw i am reading a book that you would luv, remind me to tell you about it when we hang next!

luv ya....ria