Many, Many years ago, when my friend Heather still lived in Washington, I went to Jetty Island with her, her dad, and her two brothers. It was the summer time, and her family picked me up from my home. They had packed snacks, and her dad wanted to get sandwhiches from the Sub Place near our home. I had never had a sub before. I rembember feeling leary as they bought these sandwhiches. I remember asking Paul (Heathers dad) what a sub was. I know I didn't think it was a sandwich.

After our stop at the subshop, we headed straight to Jetty Island. I had never been there before, and I know Heather had. I remember her telling me how great it was. According to Heather, however, alot of things where either really great, or not at all. I remember she told me that we would be taking a boat ride to the island. I remember envisioning something spectacular and amazing. When we got to the parking area of the Marina, and walked to the loading area for Jetty Island, I saw the boat. It was a simple transport boat. Nothing grand like I had envisioned, but to Heather, it was still amazing.
When we got to the island one of the first things we did was eat. Heather and I shared a sandwhich, so whatever was on it was picked by her, but I rember that first bite. That first bite is whats been wrong with me for the last 14 or so years. I am in love with Sub type sandwhiches. They are one of my favorite foods. Just the idea of them makes me drool... ahhhh.. YUMM!
After we were finished esting, we walked around the shore. I remember feeling like an explorer with my best friend by my side. I remember thinking it was a pretty area. But my fondest memory I can't fully remember. I rember bits and peices, and I wish I could remember more. I know that Heather and I were walking out in the water, to see how far we could go. The shallow water seemed to go on forever, we walked and walked until shore seemed millions of miles away and the water never passed our waists. At some point in our walk, one of flung sand at the other. I remember reaching into the water, to grab the sand below my toes, and shoving it in her face. We were laughing and screaming. Wrestling, neither of us willing to submit or loose. This is what made us both loose however. We had shoved so much salt water in eachothers mouths that we began to puke. I remember puking for a long time. I remember thinking that it totally sucked. However, even though our day ended up vomit filled, I still beleive that day to be one of the best days I have ever had.
My childhood memories are often very vague, many details missing, and I wish I could remember them better, even this one. I long to remember what it was we were screaming as we shoved sand in each others faces. I long to see my friend, to hold her hand, to feel like an explorer again. To this day that is the only time I have been to Jetty island. I plan every year to go, but for some reason it just wouldn't feel the same with out my Heather. I don't want to go back until she comes with, so it may be another decade until I see that place again.

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