I love it in Washington. I find the weather to be a perfect. It never gets to hot or to cold. We don't have any drastic weather conditions, and the rain leads to the most beautiful green I have ever seen.
Today is supposedly one of the last nice days we will see in a while. Alot of people are sad about it. I guess I will miss going to the beach and the river. But I love the rain. FOR some odd reason I find my happiness when it pours. I love to just sit in it. To let it drench me. The rain brings me a peace that no amount of clear waters and blue skies ever could.

The only way I truely appreciate a non rainy day is at night. The night sky almost brings me as much peace as the rain. I feel close to my creator both when dancing in the rain and sleeping under the stars.
Sigh I love my home. I love the rain. I love the sky. I love God
Rain dancing away...
I love it so much I made this:

I know, that is why I have waterproof mascara, duh. Although I don't love the cold Seattle rain as much as the Puerto Vallarta rain, I agree. Why complain, that gets you no where, so why do it? I don't know but we all do! Love you Kelli! Missing you too... ;(
ha, well i am guilty of complaining, my brain is programed to work bettter when there's sun and i would be a cali girl but it's a sad thought to leave my dear friends:)
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