What does that mean, one may ask. Simpley this. A person who lives life greatly unaware of the world around them. I live in a world were everything I want is a simple click of a button, flick of a switch, or accessable by the movement of my finger tips. I order food that I don't finish, throw out spoiled food, clothes that are no longer in style I dismiss. I waste my time concerned with what I should wear and what romance might fall my way. I don't really spend to much time thinking outside of myself.

In suzanne collins second book of hunger games series, catching fire, the main character is at a party were the guests of this party engage in gorging themselves full of food. These guest then vomit up the food so that they can re-gorge .. simply put just for the sheer joy of having a full belly. So much waste. So ridiculous, right,?, when in these stories people are starving to death.
These citizens celebrate the main charachter for her ability to kill others and survive. They watch killings every year and praise the contestants as if they are Gods.. wrong right??
If I think that was ridiculous (along with the many uneducated acts of the capitol citizens) how can I not find my own daily living ridiculous?
Is it excusable to waste so much of my time on entertainment excess when people around the world die from starvation, curable diseases, or are forced into slavery every day? Every day I decide to buy a peice of clothing not made in the US, or I watch a show that advertises abuse and ignores the harms, I am making that excuse.
I am a capitol citizen. I will watch the hunger games no matter how wrong I think they are. No matter how awful it is to see. Its mere entertainment. I waste my time reading the gossip of the Kardashians, buying ashton kutchers clothing line, all for mere entertainment (yet I am supporting what they stand for.. unfaithfulness, lying, selfishness, ego-centrism... and so on.)I buy products that were made by little hands (god forbid that my daughter ever have to work 16 hour shifts in a factory to make10 dollars) as long as I can have that shirt.
So here I sit. On my computer. Feeling like I am solving my own issue. I'm a better person than those of the capitol, because I write about it, because I'm recognizing it... right?
What can I do? How can I change what I am, what is acceptable. What is really bad that I see as good... how can I change my perception and no longer be a capitol citizen?
I can watch the minature earth youtube video (http://youtu.be/drSDhlnm0e0) over and over and over, and still I have no idea how to change me. If I can change me maybe I can really make a difference. Maybe I will do something. Maybe something will get better for someone else. Maybe.
I wrote this poem today after obsessing about this idea.
So here it is for all the world to share:
On the edge of what once was
No one thing is the same
Taking a plunge to be free
To the edge of what will be
Seeking the expected
No wings there to guide me
Every choice and every chance
has mercies evil glance
Life just a false romance
can we really even dance
To the brink of what is
Its familiar now
Shackled just trying to be
Every choice and every chance
has mercies evil glance
Life just a false romance
can we really even dance
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