My lil girl is almost Two and a half years old. She will be officially so in 18 or so days. It is amazing how fast time goes. It was just yesterday I discovered I was pregnant, and a moment ago when she was born. I know that in a blink of an eye she will be grown up.
Nevaeh is one of a kind. It is obvious to me that she is going to grow up to be a lion, she bosses everyone around, and is a serious control freak. She often tells people no, and goes about her business in a very deliberate fashion.
I thought it would be fun to share her insanities with the world. Or better put, her strange behaviors.
Any insect or arachnid, except for a fly, is called a spidermans
She is most afraid of a fly, when she sees one she runs and screams.. fi.. fi.. fi.. fi...
Soda is called popcorn
She loves to sing strange songs, just yesterday sge made up a song, with the words, I see the moon moon , I love you moon
She loves her jersie and bosses her around all the time
She hates being in her car seat, she fights to get out of it the entire time shes in it
Her favorite show is Dora the explorer
She likes to talk to me on the phone when I am gone, she plays the I love you more game with me. We yell I love you more, then finally I say I love you equally and she says I love you icky.
Shes so independent now that she has to pick her own outfits, if I want her to wear something I have to convince her that its amazing.
She recognizes people in pictures, even people she doesn't see that often. My best friend Krystal hasn't seen neve for over two months now and Neve saw a picture of her today and said ook mommy kysta. She call karissa 'kissa' and always calls Tannan 'tannan micheal'. She even recognizes peoples cars. At church she pointed to Jennys car, and at that moment I was unaware that she could even do that.
I am lucky because of this independence. She loves to do what I do, and do it by herself. She wants to sweep, clean up floors, do laundry, and take care of me when I don't feel very good.
Its strange to me that my little princess was born so huge. She was a giant newborn, and now is a petite two year old.
She is the most amazing little person I have ever known. I am blessed to be her mother.

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