So today is Valentines day. I call it the happy singles awareness to their awkwardness day. Its a holiday to show the people you love that you love them. I do not have any significant other, yet I want to give a shout out to the loves of my life!
Jesus- Thank you for all your sacrifices. For your forgiveness and for my life.
Nevaeh- Thank you for loving me like crazy. For being my daughter and making me laugh an infinite amount of times a day.
Mother- Thank you for bringing me into this world and tolerating me these past 28 (nearly 29) years. For guiding me to being the woman I am.
Grandma- For always teaching me about Jesus' love.
Karissa- thanks for being my baby sister. You always have my back I know I'll be ok as long as your around.
Malerie- Thank you for allowing me to be me. For floating the river a multitude of times and never complaining how we both stink life river and fish afterward.
Sarah- Thank you for partaking in the weird activities of my daily life. For knocking over those cones and speeding off.. for laughing like a hyena with me in grocery stores.
Uncle Marty- For showing me what a quality human being looks like. For taking me to movies and being a dad for all intensive purposes
Uncle Mo- For Swedish pancakes mo style, giving me perspective on the outdoors, and sharing your birthday with me.
Heather F. - For being the love of my life. For your daily encouragement its needed.
JP- For loving my heather feather and beign a man of style and respect.
Heather P- For being my tigger and showing me a love for exercise.
Nic P. For being a fellow Eyore and always checking in on me.
Jenny L- For your optimism in my moments of complete and utter negativity
Greg L- For showing me men can treat their wives wonderfully
Cheryl- For hill rolling and making teeter totters as grown adults.
Krystal- For tolerating my strangeness and just being there.
Amanda- For being there in moments of crisis
Monica G- For keeping me in check
Jen G- For your encouragement to accept others and challenge myself.
Kerina- For our long walks
Jersie- For being a faithful puppy and snuggling me when you know I am cold
Coca- for being Nevaehs faithful cat
Dew- For drooling so much and cuddling me in the middle of the night
Spock- For pretending to be a dog and being such a cool kitty.
TO my other family- thank you for being family
to my friends I didn't list- I love you and you are a huge part of my life. Thank you!