Struggle our way to the top, lie, cheat, steal, betray one another, all just for a chance to get ahead.
We find out we have a terrible disease and nearly kill ourselves to cure and rid ourselves from it.
We wrinkle and fill our faces with poison, cut our flesh off to lift it up, all to just look as though we haven't aged.
We fight so hard to stay alive, and not a single one of us defies death in the end. We can't fight that. Its only a matter of time and we all die.

Even when we reckognize the fact that we are going to die someday, we have a tendancy to use that as justification to act badly. To party, or to do something that oneday we would truely regret. We justify our bad behavior by saying lifes to short to not 'live'.
So much of what we base value on is based on how we look, how much education we have, and how much money we make. It so backwards.
In the end nothing we gained in life actually matters. Not a single material possession or a single dollar we spent or owed.
The only thing that matters is what we believe in and how we lived that out.
Living it out is whats hard. Life gets in the way. Being Human gets in the way.
Jesus Love is Hard. ITs a daily struggle.
I question if the majority of Christians even understand Jesus Love. We can say we do, and put on a show, but do we really?
It is irritating how I act sometimes, its irritating how others act sometimes. Today I had a hard time seeing the point of it all. This big mess we make. Some of us our so phony, sometimes I am so phony. I call myself a christian and yet my actions fail to match. I don't want it. I want to live out what I say. I want to live out everything I write about, everything I care about.
Jesus Loved us to DEATH. Do we love him the same? Do we even come close? I have a hard time believing that the majority of humans even come close. Not even 1% of the way. Its just my beleif, and could be due to my dismay and loss of faith in human kind.
I am so grateful God puts up with us. That his is giving and his love is unconditional. Cuz if I were in his shoes... I would have sent a big meteor our way and blew us retarded humans into oblivion.